Wednesday, December 13, 2017


But Ruth replied: “Don’t plead with me to abandon you or to return and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live; your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.”  (Ruth 1:16, CSB)[i]

If you are married, do you view your marriage as a covenant or a contract? Though these two words might sound similar, but they are very different  in nature .A contract is a written agreement with a foundation of distrust that outlines the conditions and consequences that will happen if it is broken.
On the opposite side of this spectrum is a covenant, which is a verbal commitment that is based on trust. This promise is unconditional and good for life.  A covenant is spoken before your Heavenly Father in love for your partner.

“Marriage: Real love has no plan b.” (

A contract is self-serving, and comes with limited liability. It sets a time frame for certain conditions (deliverables) to be met and accomplished. A contract can be broken with mutual consent, but a covenant is unbreakable.

 A covenant is for the benefit of others, and comes with unlimited responsibility. It has no expiration (cut-off) date.  It is a “til death do us part” promise that reflects on the nature of love.

“My Heavenly Father, make my heart love my spouse when I feel like being mean instead showing that I cherish them. Help me to do my part to make this covenant a union you are pleased with. Thank for the unique blessing of the spouse you chose for me. In your name I pray, amen. [ii]

“A great marriage is made up of two people who consistently put their marriage vows before their feelings.” (Ngna Otiende) 

[i] This verse was quoted from a daughter-in-law (Ruth) to her mother-in-law (Naomi) and not a wife to a husband. Read the book of Ruth in the Bible.
[ii] Adapted from:  The Love Dare Day by Day by Stephen and Alex Kendrick,  “Love Is a Covenant (Day 361)”

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