Friday, December 8, 2017


“God has a way of giving by the cartloads to those who give away by shovelfuls. (Charles Spurgeon)

Receiving gifts (of any kind) is something many individuals enjoy. Did you know that many people take pleasure in giving a gift even more than receiving one? Is it possible that this kind of personality exists in our “instant gratification” world? Did I just describe you? Not everybody is open to the idea of giving what they own to others who don't have.

Do you find your passion in being generous to others? There's a simple happiness from giving freely of both your time and talents to others. Some scientists believe that helping others assists in relieving stress in the body, and is therefore beneficial to your health. A popular way to give is to randomly help others by paying it forward with good deeds.

One of the most unbelievable verses in the Bible  is Acts 20:35: “This is my last gift to you; this example of a way of life: a life of hard work, a life of helping the weak, a life that echoes every day those words of Jesus our King, who said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Can a giver be happier than a getter? Is this some kind of mistake because it goes against every human instinct? Below are three reasons why it is more blessed to give than to receive:

1.      Giving allows us to be God's channel of blessing: The Bible says that every good thing that we have comes from our Heavenly Father. When we give away God's blessings (that were originally ours) to others, we become God's channel of blessing to those in need. This is such an honor that it causes us to praise to be given the Almighty.

2 Corinthians 9:10-11 says, "The same One who has put seed into the hands of the sower and brought bread to fill our stomachs will provide and multiply the resources you invest and produce an abundant harvest from your righteous actions. You will be made rich in everything so that your generosity will spill over in every direction. Through us your generosity is at work inspiring praise and thanksgiving to God. "

2.   Giving enables us to receive: Imagine a huge bowl that you can carry only if you use both hands. This bowl has some good old pasta in it. Now that the bowl is in your hand, you're unable to get a slice of that newly delivered deep dish pizza that just came in the door. Before you can get your hands on it, you'll need to let go of that bowl. The moral is that you can't receive more when your hands are full. Consider placing treasures in Heaven. Give to the Lord's work of spreading His love for a divine purpose.

"Some people store up treasures in their homes here on earth. This is a shortsighted practice. Don’t undertake it. Moths and rust will eat up any treasure you may store here. Thieves may break into your homes and steal your precious trinkets. Instead, put up your treasures in heaven where moths do not attack, where rust does not corrode, and where thieves are barred at the door.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)

3.   Giving generously to others allows for unexpected kinds of wealth: Consider Proverbs 11:24-25: One shares liberally and yet gains even more, while another hoards more than is right and still has need.  A giving person will receive much in return, and someone who gives water will also receive the water he needs.”  God loves to provide for those who love to share what they have with others.

 “A lack of generosity refuses to acknowledge that your assets are not really yours, but God’s.” (Tim Keller)[i]

[i] Sources used:
·        “10 Reasons Why It Is More Blessed to Give Than Receive” by David Murray
·        “3 Reasons Why It's Better to Give Than to Receive” by JB Cachila

·        “Is It Really Better To Give Than To Receive?” by Wonderopolis

All verses taken from The Voice Bible

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