Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Orchestra

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” (Max Lucado)

Following the crowd can mean something different to many different individuals.  It can be an excuse for laziness. It can be away of pleasing important people in our life. It can be an idea of how we view normalcy. It’s important to realize that choosing our own path, and walking on it alone is not a bad thing (if that must happen).  Dare to be different and live life according to what gives you happiness.  

It is your life, and you owe it to yourself to make everything count. Find your own path, and focus on what you do best.  Be unique and innovative. You always need to be in control of your life. Stop being average. No one else can be you as well as you.  Here are four reasons to stop emotionally following the crowd:

1.   Conformity denies your inner greatness : People have the tendency to come up with many excuses before they take action.  We seem to be waiting for a sign when everything we need to begin is already within us.  We’re all equipped with greatness. We just need to find it.

You will never discover it  if you continue blending in with the majority.  By doing so, you are already prohibiting yourself from finding the greatness that is planted in you because you have decided to be like everybody else.

2.   Conformity will kill your creativity: Following the crowd will make you settle for what you think is good enough.  As long as everybody does it, you should be alright.  You don’t have to stress yourself out by thinking of ways you can improve because you’ve already accepted that you are normal because you are doing whatever the majority is doing.

3.   Conformity will limit your capabilities:  One of the worse things that following the crowd can do is to limit your potential for growth.  I’ve always stressed the importance of having an ambition because these things will set your path for success but if you continue to pattern your life according to what you see as normal from other people. The possibility of fulfilling these goals will be very small.

4.   Conformity will prevent success:  People who have achieved enormous success aren’t like other people.  They have become who they are today because they dared to be different.  You won’t be successful if you decide to be like everyone else.

 “You and I were created by God to be so much more than normal…Following the crowd is not a winning approach to life. In the end it’s a loser’s game, because we never become who God created us to be by trying to be like everybody else.” (Tim Tebow) [i]

“Don't follow the crowd; let the crowd follow you.” (Margaret Thatcher )

[i] Sources used:

·        4 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Stop Following the Crowd” by Noel Rosos

·        “Don’t Follow the Crowd, Be Yourself and Focus on What You Do Best” by Ahmed Al Kiremli

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